5mm RGB LEDs Clear Lens Common Cathode - Pack of 10
A handy pack of ten clear lens 5mm RGB LEDs with a Common Cathode connection
Product Info
Good bright RGB clear lens LEDs, capable of displaying a multitude of different colours as well as their standard red, green and blue. These have a Common Cathode connection (the longer leg goes to the "-" supply).
Polarity: Common Cathode "-" (longest leg)
Maximum Current: 20mARED parameters:
Forward voltage: 2V-2.2V
Wavelength: 620-625nm
Luminous Intensity: 2000-3000mcdGREEN parameters:
Forward voltage: 3V-3.2V
Wavelength: 515-520nm
Luminous Intensity: 6000-8000mcdBLUE parameters:
Forward voltage: 3V-3.2V
Wavelength: 460-465nm
Luminous Intensity: 5000-7000mcd