The Electronics Kit Shop
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PACK OF 2 PCF8574 RGB LEDs and I/O Port Expander Module kits
PACK OF 2 MAX7219 8 Digits 7 segment display modules
PACK OF 3 TM1637 4-Digit 7 Segment Digital Clock Display
MAX7219 64-Dot Matrix Module 32 x 8 Red
DS3231 RTC I2C ZS-042 Module Real Time Clock & 2032 Battery
PACK OF 3 PCF8574 Bargraph and I/O Port Expander Module kits
PACK OF 5 Breakout Breadboard Friendly Adapters Right Angle
PACK OF 6 Breakout Breadboard Friendly Adapters
PACK OF 5 Breakout Breadboard Friendly Adapters
PCF8574 Port Expander LEDs, Keypad & Buzzer Module, suits Arduino and Pi